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We are a group of fourteen undergraduates studying at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee. Our hope: to improve the health of the nation by setting a new table with old foods.Over the past few months, we have enjoyed the privilege of taking the African American and Diaspora Studies course Soul Food, In Text, as Text with Professor Alice Randall. Hailing from nine states and two countries, we entered the course with varied backgrounds in Soul Food and no background at all. Over the course of the semester, each of us developed a 30+ page portfolio engaging aspects of African American Foodways. Together, we have savored and interrogated  22 cookbooks written by outstanding African American authors/chefs, including Edna Lewis, Maya Angelou, and Rufus Estes. By examining these cookbooks as cultural artifacts, we have been able to investigate the evolution of African American Foodways in the United States. In response to the obesity epidemic ravaging America, our class felt inspired to serve some of what we've learned to the public. We have embraced the challenge of identifying healthy recipes which return to the farm roots of Soul Food cooking. We are declaring 10 foods to be Super Soul Foods. The health and well being of our nation may depend on putting these food stuffs back at the center of our table. It started in a classroom but it needs to end in your kitchen. Join our Feast.

Featured on each page of our Super Soul Food Feast is a healthy recipe showcasing a Super Soul Food, a youtube demonstration, a bit of historical background on the Super Soul Food, and an audio clip from The History Makers (the Nation's Largest African American Video Oral History Collection) in which the Super Soul Food is mentioned.

The Cyber Soul Food Feast is a potluck. You are cordially invited to add something to our table by posting on our tumblr or using the hashtag #supersoulfoodfeast on twitter.

This website is supported by a grant from the Curb Center for Art, Enterprise, and Public Policy.

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